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Mandela, the New Ted Kennedy!

So, as expected, I am getting bashed by pro-Mandela supporters for posting a recent article revealing his past, and providing a history lesson of his communist and anti-American beliefs. I cannot say that this has never happened to some conservative reporters before.

After the death of Ted Kennedy, many conservatives became disgusted with how the liberal media was praising him as being a hero, when in reality, he was a scumbag.  Now that the death of Nelson Mandela has occurred, the left-wing and even the right-wing mainstream media have been praising and exalting his ‘legacy.’

The only three main conservative sites, who have actually been critical of Mandela since his death, have been PJ Media, The Patriot Update, and Cowger Nation. Already, we are all three receiving heat for speaking the truth.

Mandela and Kennedy have a lot in common. Both were progressives, believed in wealth redistribution, possibly murdered at least one innocent person in their lives, and were both positively praised by the mainstream media after their deaths. You cannot only acknowledge the positive parts of a person’s life, without also acknowledging the negative.

HOT MIC: Bill Ayers Drops the F-Bomb Live on CSPAN

At the 2013 Miami Book Fair International book fair, as the audience was clapping, Bill Ayers, the author of “Public Enemy: Confessions of an American Dissident,” was caught dropping the F-bomb on live television.

Toward the end of his speech, Ayers leaned to his right and is heard telling Helene Atwan, the director for Beacon Press, “You’re f**king kidding.” He was speaking at the Miami Dade College.


Mitt Romney: Raise the Minimum Wage

Former Republican presidential candidate and Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said on Thursday that he supports the Democratic position of increasing in the minimum wage. 

“I, for instance, as you know, part company with many of the conservatives in my party on the issue of the minimum wage. I think we ought to raise it, because frankly, our party is all about more jobs and better pay.” Romney’s remarks came after Republican Senators vote against a bill that would have increased the minimum wage to $10.10.

Hot Mic: Gov. Tomblin Grilled On Abortion By Students at Youth in Government

This last weekend, I was at the annual WV Youth in Government session, where students from around our state go to the capitol to participate in passing laws, debating and learn about the workings of our state legislature. 

On Friday, during the opening ceremony of the 2014 Youth in Government session, Governor Earl Ray Tomblin was escorted to the podium by student delegates and delivered a speech on why it was important for students to get involved in the governmental process, and complemented fellow democrat and Secretary of State Natalie  Tennant (D-WV), who is running for U.S. Senate against Congresswoman Shelly Capito (WV-R). He then asked if anyone had any questions.

I as well as three other student delegates took this as a opportunity to confront him on his decision to veto HB 4588, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, banning abortions after 20 weeks.

Riley Keaton, a member of the student Governor’s cabinet, asked ” Governor, do you see to have a special session to address the minimum wage fix and fetal pain?”

Tomblin responded that he would be having a special session on May 19, 2014, to ‘deal with correcting the unintended consequences of the minimum wage bill, and one dealing with the appropriation of lottery funds,’ but failed to mention a session on protecting unborn children.

Holden Adkins, a student senator, who also lead the prayer at the beginning of the ceremony, was more specific and asked, “Governor, I noticed that in the past, you identified as being pro-life, so I was wondering why you just vetoed a bill that members sent to ban pain capable abortion.’

Tomblin responded that it was ‘unconstitutional’ and ‘illegal,’ because the Supreme Court ruled, in the past, that viability is around 24 weeks, and “leading experts” told him not to sign it.

I was still not satisfied, because he did not state what was specifically unconstitutional about the legislation. He just mentioned the court ruling as if it could not be changed, and as if this same bill had not been passed in ten other states.
I raised my hand.

“Governor Tomblin, about the 20 weeks situation, because actually I had a question on that too. What was unconstitutional about that legislation?” I asked.
The governor responded, “I can tell you that, basically that the courts have ruled, I’m not an attorney, but the courts have ruled that it’s according to experts that, I guess, the like a feeling of a pain in a fetus could be felt at 24 weeks.”

“Next question,” the Governor instructed.
Then he turned to his secretary and said something to her. While in session, I couldn’t make it out, but when I replayed the audio, I could very clearly hear what he said.

“One more question, we get out!”

We were making it too hot for him! He cannot even handle questions from students. He was completely unprepared, expecting easy questions like, “What’s it like to be the Governor?” but we were grilling him!
I raised my hand and was going to ask him where it specifically mentioned abortion in the Constitution and that doctors have found new information proving that babies can experience fetal pain at 20 weeks, but he just looked at me, and instead picked a girl in the back of the House.
She asked him, “What’s your opinion on women’s rights.”

So, we went from abortion to talking about the new liberal definition of women’s rights. haha
Then after Tomblin answered her question, I raised my hand again. He looked at me, and then ended his speech stating, “Thank you, very much appreciate it,” and began making his way down from the podium. As he walked by my desk, he looked at me, and I said directly to his face, “20 weeks, Governor.” He sarcastically mouthed, “Thank you.”

Tomblin is a common liberal politician. They are so uneducated, that they cannot even successfully debate students in areas that they are supposed to be educated on.

Just for the record, my bill for Youth in Government was the same bill that he vetoed in real-life. When my bill partner, Blake Williams and I presented our bill, we received much heat from progressive students and feminists, but we fought them back, proved the opposition wrong, and it passed the House, filled with  over 150 students, with flying colors. Both West Virginian adults and students want this legislation to become law. The Governor needs to listen to his constituents.

I will also say that there probably would have been four students asking the Governor questions on why he vetoed the pro-life bill, but my bill partner literally fell asleep during his speech.

Joe Scarborough: Dems’ Anti-Koch Campaign ‘The Stupidest Strategy I’ve Ever Heard’

MSNBC television host Joe Scarborough went after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) on Friday for constantly attacking the Koch Brothers for being wealthy and donating to Republicans.

Scarborough stated that it is the “stupidest strategy,” and that any political actor who thinks voters are concerned about who funds 30-second ads may be “too stupid” to safely run household appliances let alone hold an elected office.

“It’s the stupidest strategy I’ve ever heard,” Scarborough articulated. “If somebody think that a voter in Raleigh, North Carolina gives a damn about who is financing 30-second ads, they are too stupid to be in politics.”

“You have to be really stupid to think that this is going to work,” he said.

Scarborough hosts the Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Ted Cruz: The [Obamacare] Repeal Debate is Far From Over

President Barack Obama announced to the United States that the Obamacare debate was over; however, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who led the effort to defund the ACA last year, had something else to say.

Cruz took to twitter and stated, “The repeal debate is far from over. #FullRepeal”

“The point is the repeal debate is and should be over. The Affordable Care Act is working. And I know the American people don’t want us spending the next two and a half years re-fighting the settled political battles of the last five years,” Obama said deceptively.

At his press conference, Obama also claimed that eight million Americans signed up for Obamacare, but according to estimates at least 20 percent of enrollees may not have paid their premiums, which means they do not have insurance.

ObamaCare Enrollees Told to Change Passwords After ‘Heartbleed’ Hack Review

Obamacare enrollees who have accounts on the Obamacare website are now being told to change their passwords after an administration-wide review of the site’s vulnerability to the disastrous Heartbleed Internet security flaw.

The ‘Heartbleed’ flaw allows hackers to steal users private information, though it is believed to be undiscovered. The key word: "believed."

Obama announced this week that over 8 million people had enrolled in affordable care act, and I’m guessing that the overwhelming majority of them have accounts. Come to your own conclusion.