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» » » Mandela, the New Ted Kennedy!

So, as expected, I am getting bashed by pro-Mandela supporters for posting a recent article revealing his past, and providing a history lesson of his communist and anti-American beliefs. I cannot say that this has never happened to some conservative reporters before.

After the death of Ted Kennedy, many conservatives became disgusted with how the liberal media was praising him as being a hero, when in reality, he was a scumbag.  Now that the death of Nelson Mandela has occurred, the left-wing and even the right-wing mainstream media have been praising and exalting his ‘legacy.’

The only three main conservative sites, who have actually been critical of Mandela since his death, have been PJ Media, The Patriot Update, and Cowger Nation. Already, we are all three receiving heat for speaking the truth.

Mandela and Kennedy have a lot in common. Both were progressives, believed in wealth redistribution, possibly murdered at least one innocent person in their lives, and were both positively praised by the mainstream media after their deaths. You cannot only acknowledge the positive parts of a person’s life, without also acknowledging the negative.

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