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» »Unlabelled » Libertarians Cost Us Virginia

I was watching CNN’s Virginia gubernatorial election coverage when it was announced that Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) had beaten Ken Cuccinelli (R-VA). Immediately, CNN started to pin the blame on the Tea Party, but is wasn’t their fault. It was the libertarians’ fault.

Whether you want to admit it or not, libertarians are destroying conservatism and the Republican party. Anytime they see the shiny word “libertarian,” on a ballot, they instinctively cast their vote for that candidate.

You have many people right now who are asking themselves, “Well,  Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told them to vote for Cuccinelli and not Sarvis, so why didn’t they?”
The answer is very simple; you can’t fix stupid. They don’t care where the candidate’s funding came from, as long as they are registered libertarian, they are going to support them; that’s why Sen. Rand Paul’s statements didn’t have an affect on the election. Rand Paul is more of a right-leaning “conservatarian,” not libertarian.

Libertarians are severely damaging the conservative movement. It’s time to start looking at them as who they are, our enemies using Trojan Warfare to destroy our party from the inside out.

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