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» » » » WV Governor Earl Ray Tomblin Votes Against Restricting Abortion

Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin (D-WV) has vetoed a bipartisan bill prohibiting abortion after 20 weeks, and has sparked outrage among pro-life advocates. Tomblin vetoed the bill late Friday, the same time that West Virginians for Life were holding their annual Rose Dinner. 

West Virginia Republican Party chair Conrad Lucas expressed his disappointment with the veto to WKHS Charleston/Huntington, and did not believe that Tombin vetoing the bill during West Virginia’s biggest annual pro-life dinner was coincidental.

“It’s not possible that he didn’t know what he was doing,” Lucas said. “The Governor’s timing simply did not fall on deaf ears here.”

Tomblin released a statement, “I believe there is no greater gift of love than the gift of life. I have stated this time and again, throughout my career, and it is reflected in my legislative voting record; however, I have vetoed HB 4588 because I am advised, by not only attorneys from the Legislature, but through my own legal team, that this bill is unconstitutional. The bill is also problematic because it unduly restricts the physician-patient relationship. All patients, particularly expectant mothers, require the best, most unfettered medical judgment and advice from their physicians regarding treatment options. The medical community has made it clear to me that the criminal penalties this bill imposes will impede that advice, and those options, to the detriment of the health and safety of expectant mothers.”

Have you ever heard of such an absurd statement? ‘I believe there is no greater gift of love than the gift of life… so I am going to veto this pro-life bill.’ It does not make sense. Actions speak louder than words.

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