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» »Unlabelled » EXCLUSIVE: Biden Security Error At WV Democratic Jefferson/Jackson Dinner

At the 2013 annual Democratic Jefferson/Jackson Dinner, held in the Civic Center located in Charleston, West Virginia, there was a problem with the Vice President finding the correct entrance into the event.

At exactly 6:24 p.m., the Vice President’s motorcade pulled into the back entrance of the Charleston Civic Center, welcomed by the site of Tea Party protesters. Everything seemed to be running smoothly, until the motorcade took a wrong turn, leading to a dead end in the parking lot. The odd part, is that the police escorts were leading them to the correct entrance, but the limo failed to follow.
Immediately, the Secret Service surrounded the car as the chauffeur put the limo in reverse, and began backing up to the designated entrance. Many of the Tea Partiers found it humorous and said, “It’s not the first time Biden has taken a wrong turn to a dead end.”

After the motorcade started to pull into the building, a white van, with it’s back doors completely open, followed behind. Inside were heavily armed agents, who then quickly closed the doors when they spotted Tea Party protesters video taping and capturing images of them on their recording devices.

There were several dozens of agents and security, including state and local law enforcement. Trained and armed personnel were on the roof tops, surrounding the Civic Center, a helicopter circled the area, looking for signs of danger, and not to mention, there were numerous agents  on the ground, who were equipped with high-powered weapons.

I must ask, how much did this unnecessary trip cost the America tax payers (especially since we just came out of a government shutdown and our nation is in debt almost 17 trillion dollars)?

Eyewitness report provided by: Caiden Cowger, Editor-in-Chief | Cowger Nation

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