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» »Unlabelled » Nelson Mandela, The Communist Terrorist, is Dead

Nelson Mandela, the former President of South Africa, died Thursday at the age of 95. Mandela is being praised as being a hero, but in reality, he is a communist, anti-American terrorist who murdered thousands of innocent civilians, in the name of ‘democracy.’ He founded M.K., or Umkhonto we Sizwe, which was a guerrilla warfare group declared a terrorist organization by the United States in the 1960s, that tortured and slaughtered thousands of white and black citizens who were ‘suspected’ of being associated or supportive of the Apartheid.

He was a Marxist, a member of the Communist Party, and the founder of a terrorist organization.

“Communists have always played an active role in the fight by colonial countries for their freedom, because the short-term objects of Communism would always correspond with the long-term objects of freedom movements.” “I should tie myself to no particular system of society other than of socialism.” -Nelson Mandela
Winnie Mandela, Nelson Mandela, and Yossel Slovo at ANC rally in 1990

According to Patriot Update, “prior to his presidency, Mandela was incarcerated for 27 years at three different prisons after pleading guilty to 156 acts of public violence including the Johannesburg railway.”

Nelson Mandela was Anti-American!  In 2002, Mandela said, “The attitude of the United States of America is a threat to world peace.”

On September 8, 1992, Mandela also famously sang, ‘Kill the whites.’ At a gathering in South Africa, Mandela and his fellow members of Umkhonto we Sizwe can be heard singing “Kill the Ama–the Bhulu” (with several of his far-left White supporters). The “Bhulu” are the white people in the South African language known as Xhosa.

He was supportive of Castro and his socialist regime. In 1991 during a speech in Cuba he proclaimed, “Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live Comrade Fidel Castro.”

To all of you people who are praising Mandela, you watch what this terrorist did to people who were just ‘suspected,’ of supporting the Apartheid; it wasn’t certain. His organization put tires on people’s necks, filled them with gas, and sat them on fire, burning their victims alive. According to Wikipedia, this was started by his wife Winnie Mandela, and was encouraged by Nelson.

Here is an old video of the ANC ‘necklacing’ a suspected Apartheid supporter.

Right now, the mainstream media is praising Mandela. In the past William F. Buckley and Rush Limbaugh have went after Mandela, while many members of the right have continued to believe in the false image that liberals have portrayed Mandela to be.

“When Nelson Mandela or one of these terrorists sees America, they ask, “How did they do this in less than 230 years? We’ve been around here for centuries, and we still can barely muster working toilets.” It is this that the terrorists see, folks ? and it makes them envious.”  - Rush Limbaugh

“Where Mandela belongs, in his current frame of mind, is precisely where he is: in jail.”-William F. Buckley

Many who are considered right-leaning are saying to ‘remember his principles, not politics.’  How can you positively “remember his principles,” when they were full of hypocrisy? He was a murderer, terrorist, communist,  Marxist, anti-American progressive, who savagely killed thousands who were just suspected of opposing his movement, and he is not someone who should be honored and remembered as being a hero.

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