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» »Unlabelled » Nelson Mandela: The Man of Peace?

Mandela was recognized as being a man of peace, but can result to violence only if there is no other option and if it benefits his people; however, is that really true? If you look at his endorsement of many murderous communist and socialist leaders, you can easily come to another conclusion.

Mandela strongly opposed racial violence and inequality against black people, but what about people of different beliefs? The ANC, or African National Congress, has been the ruling party of post-apartheid South Africa, and was Nelson Mandela’s political affiliate from 1943 to his death in 2013.

Douglas Foster, the author of the book After Mandela: The Struggle for Freedom in Post-Apartheid South Africa and has been praised by both the L.A. Times and Wall Street Journal.  According to Saloon.com, “During its years in exile under the apartheid, the ANC proclaimed its commitment to democratic principles. But in government, Foster concludes, the ANC has become the establishment in what is effectively a one-party state.” On December 5, 2013, Joel B. Pollak from Breitbart also stated on the Mark Levin Show, that indeed South Africa is becoming authoritarian.

The ANC is also affiliated with the Communist Party of South Africa, and according the New York Times, it has been confirmed that Mandela joined the Communist Party back around 1960, before he was imprisoned.

When Mandela was alive and out of prison, he proudly supported his “comrade” Fidel Castro, who murdered between 35,000 and 141,000 people through 1987, and endorsed the Cuban revolution, including the Cuban authoritarian, single-party, Marxist–Leninist establishment. The ANC was the main resistance organization, fighting to overthrow the Apartheid. Now, they are fighting to implement authoritarian-communism into the South African government.

Douglas Foster stated that The African National Congress’s transformation into South Africa’s “establishment” was displayed in 2012 when police shot into a demonstration of striking miners, causing massive losses of life.

The Communist Party has always had an agenda to turn countries communist, way before Mandela joined. Their goal is to set up an international charter, setting up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces, making communism world-wide. Now, the Communist Party is beginning to turn South Africa into an authoritarian-communist nation.

So ask yourself, could this have been the objective of Mandela and the African National Congress all along?

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