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» »Unlabelled » Obama ‘Have Got’ a Pen and Bad Grammar

The mainstream media were extremely hard on President George W. Bush’s grammar, but completely ignore President Obama’s grammatically incorrect remarks.

On Tuesday, January 14, 2014, Obama declared, “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” but this is not grammatically correct.

First, look up the definition of ‘have,’ and you will find that it is present tense. For example: “I have a pen.”

Now, search for the definition of “got.” It is past tense. Ex: “I got a pen.”

‘Have’ (present tense) and ‘got’ (past tense) should not be used together. ‘Have got’ is commonly used when speaking in British-English; however, it is used as an informal replacement for “gotten.” Never the less, the usage of ‘have got’ is informal, and was not proper to use during a public cabinet meeting.

Using “I’ve got” twice in the same sentence is also redundant, and should not have been used.

Obama should have said, “I have a pen and a phone.”

The President has a history of making grammatically incorrect sentences. Breitbart revealed the hypocrisy that is thriving among the mainstream media, and even discovered an article posted by the New York Times (who commonly attacked Bush’s Grammar) “defending Barack Obama’s egregiously bad grammar, using quotes where he butchered simple prepositional phrases by saying, ‘Between Michelle and I’ or ‘the main disagreement between John and I.’”

So, apparently Obama can get a free pass, but Bush was worthy of criticism.

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