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» » Review of Netflix’s Documentary, “Mitt”

I just finished watching the new Netflix documentary “Mitt,” and I must quote the filmmaker Greg Whiteley, this production was very “painful to watch.”

It starts off with the Romneys gathered in a room on Election night 2012, watching the results come in. Then the documentary takes a turn and starts focusing on some of Romney’s personal life, such as where he is spending time with his grandchildren. Next, it shows Mitt along with his family discussing whether or not he should run for President in 2008.

The screen turns black and it cuts to the beginning of Romney’s campaign in 2008. From then on, the film takes you through his political journey of his 1st and 2nd tries for the presidency.

The documentary revealed a side of the Romneys that Americans have never seen before. For one example, you see an emotional side that draws you in to the moment and causes you mourn along with them. The clip of election night 2012 and the Romneys returning home specifically cause you to experience sorrow, especially when you consider the condition that our nation is currently in now.

The film contained many clips concerning his election, but also included segments of his family, making the documentary feel more like a home movie, which in my opinion was an excellent touch by the filmmaker.

I highly recommend seeing this film, no matter if you are a Republican, Democrat or Independant, because it provides you a taste of what the candidate and his family goes though during a campaign, and a gives you a better understanding of a man named “Mitt.”

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