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» » » » Christian Rapper “Bizzle” Releases Rap Song Slamming ‘Same-Love’

For a long time, I have been calling for someone with talent to create a song combating Macklemore & Ryan Lewis’ song “Same Love,” and I don’t know if this had anything to do with what I said or not, but it has happened.
The homosexual community is in an uproar after Christian rapper “Bizzle” released a rap song challenging “Same Love.”

“It’s funny how the media portrays things, they’re really pushing hard for this gay thing, and it’s so wicked how they manipulate things. Can’t even disagree without them making it a hate thing,” he rapped.

One of the parts that absolutely obliterated the homosexual tactic of comparing their movement to the black civil rights movement was the following:

“And I feel so disrespected that you were so desperate you would compare your sexual habits to my skin, calling it the new black. Tell me where they do that. They hung us like tree ornaments. Where were you at? Ever been murdered just for trying to learn how to read bro? You can play straight, we can never play white.”

Unsurprisingly, the “peaceful” homosexual community has been calling for the rapper’s death. “People telling (me) things like, ‘oh I’m gonna chop your body up and send it to your family,’” Bizzle told KRIV-TV.

LetToleranceBegin.com has collected the following hateful comments made about the artist:

“When I propose my beliefs, just respect them the same way supposed to respect you. I just tweeted yesterday, if you see me out with a woman who is not my wife, I expect you to check me on it,” the artist KRIV-TV. “Because I’m Bizzle and I rap, I don’t get to be out cheating on my wife, and get a pass. As brothers and sisters in Christ we hold ourselves, we hold each other accountable.”

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