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» » » TheBlaze Portrays America as Being a Police State

Almost every time I have visited TheBlaze.com, there almost always has been an article posted portraying police in a negative way. Though some of the stories about law enforcement are true and dishonorable, others are just over-reactive, or are pointless. It looks like they are trying to make the United States look like a police state.

It has almost gotten to the point that I cannot tell the difference between TheBlaze.com and InfoWars.com. A matter a fact, the only difference that I could find is that InfoWars specifically has a section titled “police state,” while TheBlaze does not. Don’t believe me? Last November, I was on Twitter and saw a headline from Infowars that read, “Welcome to the United Police States of America.”

The columnist stated, “If ever there were a time to de-militarize and de-weaponize local police forces, it’s now.”

If you disarm cops, they have no protection and no way to enforce the law against dangerous criminals. If there is a hostage situation, how in the world would it be possible for law enforcement to deal with it?

After being overwhelmed by the stupidity, I scrolled up and realized that I was on TheBlaze.com.

Today, their headline article was once again attacking police officers.

Before any of you Beckbots start attacking me, allow me to say that I am not a supporter of police brutality; however, I think that it is absolutely absurd to use your platform to promote fear and conspiracy to attract an audience. TheBlaze is simply a slightly less-conspiratorial version of InfoWars and has a more attractive layout. As for the content, I think that the similarities between the two sites are quite amazing.

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