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» »Unlabelled » Piers Morgan To Lose His Timeslot on MSNBC

On Friday morning, it was announced that ABC News’ Bill Weir is planning on departing from his current network and is moving to CNN.
According to Mediaite, Weir might obtain the 9 p.m. time slot which currently airs “Piers Morgan Tonight.”
It is still uncertain if Weir would get the full hour or a half-hour, but it does not look good for the ‘red coat.’
According to Mediaite:
Weir is expected to get either half or all of the 9 p.m. slot, meaning Morgan will either move time slots or, at best, reduce to a half hour of airtime per evening. Another CNN source tells us that Weir’s show will likely launch in “late night” but our original source insists that if that happens, the goal would be to test it out for an eventual move to the 9 p.m. hour.
A CNN spokesperson released a statement and said, “Bill Weir was not brought to CNN to replace Piers Morgan.”
Though CNN says that Weir was not hired to replace the infamous Piers Morgan, the Mediaite report still recalls earlier rumors that CNN was planning to “dump” Morgan.

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