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» » Elementary School Has ‘Lesbian Wedding Couple’ in Polar Plunge

BUCKHANNON, WV – During the Buckhannon Academy Elementary School Polar Plunge PTO fundraiser, two females portraying as a lesbian wedding couple “took the plunge for Academy.” They were featured at the event and were praised by the organizers.

According to a video obtained by Cowger Nation, the two females walked down into the water as the song, “Cold As Ice,” was played. As they were exiting the river, the emcee asked the ‘couple’ if they had a good honeymoon. Several pictures taken at the event show that the two girls were joined arm and arm throughout much of the gathering. Some individuals are questioning if there was even any consideration on the propriety of allowing and encouraging such a display, especially considering that the event was specifically for children K-5. With West Virginia currently battling a lawsuit against the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, others are questioning if this was a small political statement and an attempt to normalize homosexual marriage. The intention of this possible ‘stunt’ is for you to decide, but it is mutually agreeable among Christians and conservatives that it was definitely not suitable for this occasion.

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