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» » » » Joe Manchin Backs West Virginia Anti-Abortion Bill

Despite voting against repealing the pro-abortion Universal Healthcare Law, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin (WV-D) has announced his advocacy of a West Virginia bill prohibiting abortions after 20 weeks and pondering on backing a similar federal outlaw in the U.S. Senate.

“I am pro-life and supportive of the principles in the bill that was just passed in the West Virginia Legislature,” Manchin said in a statement.

The West Virginia legislature sent the legislation to the desk of Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin where it is awaiting his signature.

“I am currently evaluating the constitutionality of the legislation and working with my colleagues to make sure we can pursue a bill that will pass the Senate. My main goal, and one that we can all agree on, is reducing the number of abortions in this country,” Manchin said.

Though Manchin  is now portraying himself as being pro-life, many are questioning his authenticity. After defeating John Raese in the 2010 senatorial election, on February 2, 2011  Manchin voted against repealing the Obama healthcare law. Then on April 14, 2011 he voted allow taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.

Is he genuine or is he just trying to regain support among the pro-life supporters that he lost? You decide.

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