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» » » » Rand Paul: Republicans Need To Soften on Social Issues

Possible Presidential Candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is telling Republicans to abandon their social conservative beliefs. He believe that as a result, it will cause the party to grow.

“I think that the Republican Party, in order to get bigger, will have to agree to disagree on social issues,” Paul stated. “The Republican Party is not going to give up on having quite a few people who do believe in traditional marriage. But the Republican Party also has to find a place for young people and others who don’t want to be festooned by those issues.”

Many conservatives on social media are calling Rand Paul a RINO (Republican in Name Only) for instructing fellow Republicans not to strongly defend their official platform. Some have compared him to moderates like John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell stating that he is just like them, except he believes in compromising other principles.

On the social network, Tea Party Community, Paul has been bashed by the overwhelming majority of users:

“Moderate mentality equals huge loss at the polls. DONT VOTE FOR RINO RAND.” -Mr. White III%

“I think he says whatever he thinks people want to hear, just like the RINO’s do. He is turning in to Mitch Jr.”- Casey Buckley

“I used to kind of like him…but he’s not thinking correctly on this issue…in my opinion. This is the trouble with the GOP’s. We should have the upper hand, but we are frittering it away with compromise on important issues. I find it interesting that we conservatives are asked to lighten up on the social issues. How about asking that of the liberals? They seem to be the ones with the ‘in your face’ attitude.”-Virginia Pfeifer

“He’s just starting to try to buy votes and lay his foundation for 2016.”-Steve Riley

“More of the same is not the path we need to follow. Just say NO to Paul. Have principles and morals in your life, vote Cruz.”-Calvin Fowler

“As I said a couple of days ago,Rand Paul is showing more and more of his true nature and the more he does ,the more he is going to lose support.”-Larry New

Paul will possibly run for presidency, but after his recent remarks, which are causing many of his fellow Republicans to terminate their support, it could destroy his chances at winning the Republican Presidential Nomination in 2016.

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