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» » » Russians May Have 50,000 Troops to Invade Ukraine, While Americans Believe Obama is Weak

The Russians are now believed to have 50,000 troops to possibly invade eastern Ukraine. The United States government believes that the thousands of Russian soldiers along the border is an attempt to intimidate the Ukrainian government after Russia seized the Crimean peninsula. 10,000 out of the 50,000 Russian troops are located directly on the Ukraine the border.

President Obama imposed sanctions on the Russian officials, but it does not seem to have any effect on Russia. A recent YouGov/Economist poll showed that Americans look at Obama as being a “weaker” leader than Russian President Vladimir Putin. located directly on the Ukraine the border. President Obama imposed sanctions on the Russian officials, but it does not seem to have any effect on Russia. A recent YouGov/Economist poll showed that Americans look at Obama as being a “weaker” leader than Russian President Vladimir Putin. 78% of those polled viewed Putin as being a strong leader, compared to only 45% who viewed Obama as being strong. Just 8% recognized Putin as being weak, versus 29% who recognized Obama as being a weakling. It does not say much for an American president, when citizens from their own country re-recognize them as being a weakling.

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